Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Roundup: Romney's Bain Edition

Romney tells Obama to stop sharp political attacks
I find it ironic that Romney accuses Obama of lying, while following up with lies of his own.

And Romney continues to lie...
WP Fact Checker: 4 Pinocchios for an unproven Romney claim of ‘crony capitalism’

FactCheck:‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

WP Fact Checker: Romney’s claims of misspent stimulus money 
WP Fact Checker: An Obama quote taken out of context, yet again

Politifact: Mitt Romney says a lawsuit filed by President Obama's campaign challenges voting privileges for the military

FactCheck: Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?

Note that half of these fact checks come from the same fact checker Romney cited when demanding an apology from the Obama campaign...

An amazing take-down of the ideas that underlie Romney's economic and fiscal agenda.

Mitt Romney and Bain: a Fact Checker collection  
 After citing Kessler in an a calling Obama dishonest for the bain claims, Romney and Bain fail to provide evidence showing he had "no role whatsoever" in Bain between 1999 and 2002. As a result, the Fact Checker is at an impasse. Romney's secrecy continuing to become a major problem for him.
David Frum: With nothing else to do, Obama calls Romney a criminal or a liar
"Romney’s best biographers, Michael Kranish and Scott Helman (both of them also Globe reporters), support Romney’s version of events. They describe Romney’s departure from Bain as so sudden and total as to have nearly capsized the company.
On the other hand, he did keep signing forms and cashing checks. Also on the other hand, the harsh things that happened post-1999 followed from decisions made pre-1999."
David Frum: Romney: Too Weak?
Is David Frum going to re-think his vote this November?
"at every point, Romney has surrendered to the fringe of his party. Weak. And now in his first tough encounter with Barack Obama, Romney is being shoved around again. This is not what a president looks like - anyway, not a successful president."
Paul Krugman: The Class-Warfare Election
"So like it or not, we have an election in which one candidate is proposing a redistribution from the top — which is currently paying lower taxes than it has in 80 years — downward, mainly to lower-income workers, while the other is proposing a large redistribution from the poor and the middle class to the top."

Paul Krugman: Pathos of the Plutocrat
"Clearly, Mr. Romney believed that he could run for president while remaining safe inside the plutocratic bubble and is both shocked and angry at the discovery that the rules that apply to others also apply to people like him. Fitzgerald again, about the very rich: “They think, deep down, that they are better than we are.”"
The Creepy Small Lies of the Romney Campaign
"If Republicans are willing to just flat-out lie about what he said, it's impossible to self-edit your remarks enough to avoid it. We've now seen the Romney campaign make hay out of three wild misquotations"
"I know I keep asking this, but has any previous campaign ever done this on such a routine basis? I don't mean to suggest that no campaign has ever been as nasty. Obviously Willie Horton and "creating the internet" and the Swiftboating of 2008 were worse. And both sides traffic in distortions and cherry picking all the time. But there's something about the methodical small lies of the Romney campaign that seems quite new." (emphasis mine)
Romney’s World: Mitt’s insults, mistakes, and blunders abroad aren’t gaffes. They actually represent his true worldview
"The thing that Krauthammer doesn’t get is that Romney is not the sort of businessman—that his brand of capitalism is not the sort of enterprise—that requires even the most elementary understanding of diplomacy, courtesy, or sensitivity to other people’s values, lives, or perceptions."

They Also Serve Who Play Whack-a-Mole with People Who Do Not Understand the Gordon Equation for Valuing the Stock Market
"Suppose that you had told me, 15 or 30 years ago, that there was an economist who did not understand the Gordon equation for stock market valuation: somebody who, instead of knowing that the Gordon equation was P=D/(r-g) (where P is the va lue of the stock index, D is the dividend paid on the index, and r and g are the required rates of return and expected dividend growth rates respectively) thought instead that it was P=E/(r-g) (where E is the account earnings of the index). Suppose you had told me that that somebody would be a respected senior economic adviser to Republican presidential candidates. Suppose you had told me that that somebody would be taken seriously by the press as an authority. And suppose you had told me that I would feel compelled to play whack-a-mole, in a largely vain attempt to limit the spread of misinformation…
I would simply not have believed you…"
Walter Jones On Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: 'I Don't Think This Will Go Away'
"Many Republicans have called on Romney to release more than two years of tax returns to make the issue go away, including his former rivals Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman. Conservative pundits Bill Kristol and Ge orge Will, as well as the editors of the National Review, have also called on Romney to release the returns."

PolitiFact: Mitt Romney says Barack Obama’s plan for welfare reform: "They just send you your check."
"Romney’s ad says, "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."
That's a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law."
And Obama's counter claim that Romney requested a waiver like this himself back in 05 is actually comparing apples to oranges.

WP Fact Checker: Romney’s economic scorecard: Promising success, comparing records
"The scorecard’s simple arrows don’t account for the fact that Massachusetts lagged behind the nation as a whole in certain areas of the economy — jobs, home values and family incomes — while Romney was in office.
The scorecard also hides the fact that some economic conditions deteriorated for Massachusetts during the candidate’s last year in office, as is the case with home values and family income.
As for the budget-deficit comparison, it suggests Romney had a choice about whether to balance the Bay State’s budget during each year of his administration. But Massachusetts law required him to do so.
Finally, the scorecard gives the president no credit for taking office in the midst of the most severe recession in modern times. Obama’s numbers are generally positive since the end of the downturn, even if the recovery has been relatively slow. Democrats would argue that Congress is as much to blame as the president for that.
Nothing on Romney’s scorecard is flat-out false, but just about all the comparisons either lack context or ignore facts that contradict its assertions. Overall, the Romney campaign earns two Pinocchios."

Mitt Romney: Not a Murderer
"The problem with the ad, rather, is that it relies on an argument Obama obviously doesn’t believe: that a business owner engaging in layoffs is morally responsible for what happens to his employees afterward."

PolitiFact: Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years 
Reid needs to give up. You don't spread speculation like this, especially when the likelihood of it being true is so unbelievably low:
"Reid has produced no evidence to back up his claim other than attribution to a shadowy anonymous source. Romney has denied the claim, and tax experts back him up, saying that the nature of Romney's investments in Bain make it highly unlikely he would have been able to avoid paying taxes altogether -- especially for 10 years."
And from the WP Fact Checker:
"In other words, this tax return shows a portfolio that is not structured to yield zero taxes. We spoke to a number of tax experts, all of whom said that, given Romney’s current portfolio, it was highly improbable for Romney to have had 10 years with taxfree returns — though there could have been one or two years with little or no taxes." (emphasis mine)

Is it just me or are the liberal claims about Romney's time at Bain beginning to look like the birther fiasco? 

PolitiFact: Checking the facts about Romney and Bain Capital  

"Bain and outsourcing are likely to remain sources of conflict between the candidates as the campaign goes on. It's ironic, then, that when it comes to the basic economics of outsourcing, the candidates basically agree—as do most economists . Many voters, however, see things differently—which is probably why neither of the candidates is talking about what they have in common."

The AP mentions fact checks that have debunked things Obama has said about Romney while neglecting to mention fact checks that debunk what Romney has said about Obama. What Liberal Media?

Stop celebrating Harry Reid for the same crap we berated the TEA Partiers for.

Obama Knocks Romney for Saying True Things About Coal

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